Make sure you choose age-appropriate books and books with lots of lines that repeat throughout the story. Toddlers really like repetition and may eventually try to repeat the words in the book. Toddlers also love looking at pictures in books, so don’t feel like you have to read the book. Simply talk about the pictures as you point to them and describe what you see to your child. This is also a good time to try to have your toddler repeat words if he or she is able.
For a list of great books to read with your toddler, check out this article from The American Speech-Language Hearing Association blog, ASHAsphere: Collaboration Corner: Must-Have Books for Building Language and Literacy
Want more speech and language tips to help your toddler talk and communicate faster? Check out my book on Amazon Kindle, Talking With Toddlers - 52 Tips to Boost Speech and Language Skills.