In this post, we will be covering birth to age 1. Although your baby isn't talking yet, he is learning about speech and language and communicating with you through his cries and body language. It's amazing how early a baby starts communicating with his parents and caregivers!
From birth to 3 months your baby should begin to respond to loud sounds, become quiet or smile when spoken to, recognize his parents voice and become quiet if crying. Your baby should also vocalize pleasure (cooing) and displeasure (crying) sounds, cry differently for many needs, and smile when he or she sees you.
At 4 months to 6 months your baby should begin to look toward the location of sound with his eyes, react to changes in the tone of your voice, notice toys and objects that make sounds, and be aware of music. Your infant will begin to babble speech-like sounds including consonants p, b, and m, laugh out loud, and make gurgling sounds when playing by himself or with his parents/caregivers.
When your baby is 7 months to 1 year he will enjoy playing games such as pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo, turn and look at where sound is coming from, listen when he is spoken to, understand words for basic items such as cup, shoe, and book, and respond to simple requests like "come here." Your baby should start to babble groups of sounds such as "tata upup bibibibi", gesture in order to communicate (waving, pointing), imitate different speech sounds, and start saying one to two simple words around his first birthday (bye, dog, mama, dada).
The first year goes by extremely fast....too fast for my liking (I have 12 month old identical twin girls!), so take advantage of every moment with your baby. Cherish your time together and enjoy those sweet sounds your baby makes!