Joke "If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?" The punchline: "Pilgrims!"
Did you get it? As silly as that joke is, it still makes me laugh even today!
I'm not sure about where you live, but the southern part of the United States sure has experience a lot of rain this month and last month. Just because it's raining outside, it doesn't have to spoil your fun and early language development activities with your toddler. Sure there are many games and toddler speech activities you can do inside, but why not take them outside as long as it's just a drizzle?
Here is an article from www.about.com called What to Do on Rainy Days. It lists games and activities you can do with your toddler outside on a rainy day. You can use these ideas and turn them into speech activities for toddlers. Target vocabulary, focus on the senses, and listen to your toddler giggle with joy!