Make sure to give your toddler lots of praise when he or she makes attempts at communicating. Clap and celebrate when your child tries to talk, uses gestures, or takes you to a wanted item. Be specific with your praise. For example, say “Good job talking.” or “Great job telling me you want more juice.” Once you give your toddler praise you’ll notice that he or she will continue to try to communicate with you which will get your toddler talking and communicating even faster!
Here are some other things you can say to verbally praise your toddler when he or she tries to communicate with you:
- I knew you could do it!
- Good for you!
- Excellent!
- I like the way you said that!
- Sounding great!
- You've got it!
- You're on your way!
- You tried very hard!
- Now you've got it!
- I'm very proud of you!
Don't forget to make your praise specific to your child. Add a high five or big hug to your verbal praises. Praise will go a long way!
To learn more speech and language tips to help your toddler talk and communicate faster, be sure to check out my book on Amazon Kindle, Talking With Todders - 52 Tips to Boost Speech and Language Skills.